What Jillian’s Clients are Saying…

Thanks for all your hard work! Oh, and by the way, ALL the guys in our office have a huge crush on you because of your voice!

David M., Attorney at Law

McBride and Associates

Got it! Beautiful read! Your voice is so gorgeous!
Thank you Jillian! The clients love it! And we do too!

Caroline C.
Media Development

When I have the freedom to hire a voiceover artist, I always think of you, Jillian. And you can quote me on that. :)

For this project in particular, I needed someone who could sound authoritative but always kind, empathetic, and respectful. Your voice is perfect.

Kayleen H., Senior Instructional Designer and Consultant

Lead Training LLC

Jillian, the client LOVES your voice. Thank you for being awesome as always.

Kirsten P., Project Manager/Senior ISD

C2 Technologies

SkinCeuticals, L'Oreal


Pandora/Sirius XM

American Diabetes Association


National Highway Institute


Cultural Intelligence Center


SkinCeuticals, L'Oreal Williams Pandora/Sirius XM American Diabetes Association FDA National Highway Institute OSHA Cultural Intelligence Center Reasor's

“I met with our NIC client yesterday to review the LGBTQI e-course… and she loved it!!! Thank you so much for lending your talents to this project. I really do mean it when I say that your voice adds so much warmth and heart to this course!!! Thanks again!!!”

Anne M., Senior Instructional Systems Designer
c2 Technologies

“I just had my call with the client to review the Justice Involved Women courses. To say she was effusive in her praise of Jillian’s narration would be a massive understatement. She loved it, and said she wishes she could hire Jillian for all her courseware. I can’t remember everything she said, but the words “perfect” and “flawless” were each mentioned a couple of times.”

Shannon F., Instructional Systems Designer
c2 Technologies

I’d be proud to endorse Jillian, for all her expertise. Factors for which she is now gleaning accolades from clients for whom she makes the cash register ring. For that info you can visit her website. I feel it important to endorse those elements of Jillian’s character, knowledge, professionalism, ethics and integrity, which in no small way have been factors in her successes for clients.”

R. Mark C., Sales & Marketing Agent
Superior Access Solutions